Daracalara is a vampiar.
Secodemio is a Moomy.
Cladeim wolf is a wolf.
Freaky stain is a monster.
Golia yelps is a zombie.
All of the girls go to monster high.
They all be to the sameclass.
they are all a good crowd of monsters.
the are freinds
the go to the same beach.
today is Dracalara's Birthday.
tomoro is seico demio's birth day.
today is clawdein wolf's birthday
tomroro is freaky stain's birthday
Golia yelp's birthday is today.
Dracala, Clawdeen wolf, Goliayelps have the same Birthday.
Seiodemio, freaky stain have the same Birthday.
So the girls go the Beach today then they goto the Beach tomoro.
the next day the go to flyingschool.
Dracalara can't flyso Seico demio (who can fly) helps Dracalara "thank you" said Draclara (who can fly.)
freaky staincan't fly so Clawdeen wolf (who can fly) helped freakystain "thank you" said freaky stain (who canfly.)
Goleayelps cant fly so the teacher helps her fly. "thank you" said Golea yelps said (who can fly.)
then they went to Dracalara's house and ate sanwich's and went to the bach yard and they flew to each others house Draclara cept company forever body then flew home.
then the all went to the beach the next day and Draclara gave everbody some sun loshin.
Claw dein wolf brough her frizby and all of them played frizby.
Seio demio broght the food and they all ate.
then they all ate desert.
then it was time to swim and freaky stain said that she did not like swiming because she srinks so she Just played in the sand.
the end