Saturday, June 25, 2011

Monster High Dolls

They are all girls.

Daracalara is a vampiar.

Secodemio is a Moomy.

Cladeim wolf is a wolf.

Freaky stain is a monster.

Golia yelps is a zombie.

All of the girls go to monster high. 

They all be to the sameclass.

they are all a good crowd of monsters.

the are freinds

the go to the same beach.

today is Dracalara's Birthday.

tomoro is seico demio's birth day.

today is clawdein wolf's birthday

tomroro is freaky stain's birthday

Golia yelp's birthday is today.

Dracala, Clawdeen wolf, Goliayelps have the same Birthday.

Seiodemio, freaky stain have the same Birthday.

So the girls go the Beach today then they goto the Beach tomoro.

the next day the go to flyingschool.

Dracalara can't flyso Seico demio (who can fly) helps Dracalara "thank you" said Draclara (who can fly.)

freaky staincan't fly so Clawdeen wolf (who can fly) helped freakystain "thank you" said freaky stain (who canfly.)

Goleayelps cant fly so the teacher helps her fly.  "thank you" said Golea yelps said (who can fly.)

then they went to Dracalara's house and ate sanwich's and went to the bach yard and they flew to each others house Draclara cept company forever body then flew home.

then the all went to the beach the next day and Draclara gave everbody some sun loshin.

Claw dein wolf brough her frizby and all of them played frizby.

Seio demio broght the food and they all ate.

then they all ate desert.

then it was time to swim and freaky stain said that she did not like swiming because she srinks so she Just played in the sand.

the end

I'm mad

I'm mad at my dad becuse he's going to marry after my (crazy) grandma dies.  (Robert, if your reading this it's best I tell you, I  know your plans.)  That's why I'm mad.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Bobbie is my sister.  (I call her Bob!)  I love enoying her!  I call her a pigheaded princess!  (She is crazy.)  (She is nine years old.)

My Famaily

I have two sisters that I have had for a long time.  I have a baby sister the I have had for a little time.  I have one mom.  I have two dads so on fathers day I have too write two fathers day cards.  I am timpted to write one Father's day card and give it to one dad then give it to the other dad!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I like dolor because dolor are money. 
Dolor are 100¢. 
Dolor are fun! 
I like 100 dolor the most. 
You need two 50 dolor bills to make a 100 dolor bill.
You can buy stuff.You can not buy a stuff much as you can with a dolor with ¢.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Snow Day In San Antonio

One nigt in San Antonio my mom woke us up to see snow flrees.  Mom said to hope some would stick to the grass.  The next day I woke up erly and looked out the window.  Gess what I saw, snow!  It was all over the yard acroos the street.  I told my mom who was asleep.  When my mom woke up she told me to tell my sisters to get to pairs of cloths on and there coats and teneshoes.  After that we went outside my mom was holding marie.  She wanted to take a picture

My Best Day Ever

One night my mom was haveing contraction.  She had contraction all night and moring.  That morning my grandmother (Peggy) drove me and my sisters (Linda and ro) to the hostpitle (my mom was in my dad's truck).  When we got there it was a pain to find parking spots.  When we found one we got out as soon as the car was stoped.  Grandmother called mom and Dad to see were they were looking for a parking space.  She gave them direacions on how to get a spot.  My mom and dad parked next to grandmother.  Mom and dad went in first.  Then we went in.  Dad told Grandma that they were going to be in Labor and dilivery.  So we went upstairs to the 4th floor and asked if my mom was checked in she hadn't cheked in.  So we sat down in the waiting place it wasn't crowded then my other granma came there was still room.  Then we got word that a girl was born her name was Mirie.  I wanted to see her but they wouldn't let kids in the room she was in.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cats & Marie


I love cats.  
Cats are fluffy.
I like to pet cats.
I have a cat.
He is named Mr. B.
He is a boy.
I have two cats!


Marie is cute.
Marie is a girl!
Some think Marie is a boy.
Marie eats some solid foods.
Marie is brestfed!
I love Marie.
Marie is my favorit sister!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prinnsess Esther

Once a poun time there was A prinnsess named Esther who married a prinses.  The prinses was smart.  He was rich.  They had a daghter.  They named her Esther the 2nd.  Esther was kind.  She never asked for more than she needed.  One day she found a couple of kittens.  They where unharmed.  One was female the other was male.  Prinnsess Esther treated them fairly.  When she married she got a cream pinto.  Everyone loved her a lot.  The End!